Muffled Bird



She kissed him passionately and pulled away in a haste to leave. “don’t leave baby, you can spend the night here”, Austin beckoned as he held Shade’s hands. “I really wish I could Austin, with sadness written all over her face. I mean, I’d love to but my dad would be home soon and you know how he gets when he doesn’t find me in my room. I’ll come see you tomorrow, I promise.  She hugs Austin and turns to leave closing the door behind her.

Shade is from a family of four  being the first child and the only girl. She lives with her foster dad and two younger siblings. Her father works in a Law firm and also handles other businesses. Her parents are separated and she was left to take care of herself and her siblings at a tender age as her dad takes to drinking sometimes or is never home on time.

As Shade approaches the gate, her heart begins to thump and one could tell that she was literally shaking. She rings the bell. “Ehen??, who be that?”,  the voice of Papa the gateman retorted back at Shade from the other side. “It’s shade”  she responded, her voice very shaky. “Ah, Aunty Shade, you don come?”  Papa hurriedly opens the gate revealing a three storey building painted in white and the roof blue, different cars parked at the garage. Shade walks in forgetting to great papa who stood there smiling at her hoping she brought him some goodies. He taps her on the shoulder, “ah ah, aunty, you dey vex? Why you look like say you just match shit?” (Ah ah, aunty are you angry, why do you look like you just stepped on faeces?)  Papa smiles, in an attempt to make Shade laugh but Shade was too busy stretching her neck to see if the Mercedes-Maybach S-class her dad went out with earlier was already parked. “Shade!!!”,  Papa yelled lightly. “what now, can’t you see I’m busy?”.  Shade frowns and walks off. Papa was left with his mouth agape and hands akimbo.  “see this small girl oh, na me she dey shout for?” (look at this little girl, is she shouting at me?) Papa shakes his head and goes into his quarters head bent in disappointment at his failed attempt to cheer shade up and no goodies as well.

Shade gets close to the garage and finds out that her dad was already home. She walks past the garage to the front door. “Oh my God, what do I tell him now? Where do I tell him I went to? , I’m doomed. she soloquizes in fear. She was cut short as she sees a tall, huge frame come out the front door – her dad.

“Good Evening Daddy”,  Shade greets and quickly tries to make her way to the back. “..and where do you think you’re going?”  He sharply cut in bringing Shade to a grinding halt. “I… I…”;  she stutters with her head lowered. “I believe I asked you a question young woman”, her father’s voice harsh and frightening. Shade looks up at him, tears already welled up in her eyes. “I went to see a friend down the road, I left not too long ago, you can ask Papa” as she struggled to hold the tears in. Her infuriated fathers slams back at her; “how many times have I warned you not to leave this house without my permission Shade, how many times? In an attempt to respond, “daddy, you were….” , Shade’s unfinished sentence was met with a wham. He slapped her. “..So this is what you do in my absence?  You go out to meet men? Oh, you think I don’t know it’s that useless, good-for-nothing son of Doctor Williams you went to see?  Tears already trickling down Shade’s cheeks, her head still lowered, she mumbles, “but daddy he’s just a friend”.  He looks down at her, hatred and irritation all over his face. “just a friend indeed!  Get out of my sight!”  he blared at Shade and she dashed off.

Later that night….

“this is not right dad”. Shade struggled as she tried to take his hands off her panties, her voice shaky as though she was about to cry. “please don’t do this, it’s a sin. Before God and even the world”. Pretending not to hear what shade was saying, he tore her panties and  held her by the neck pinning her to the bed, “shut your mouth you lousy child, don’t you know I’m the only one allowed to devour you? Or did you intend to give this sweetness to that unworthy fellow?” Shade already choking and whimpering manages to blurt out, “daddy please.. please don’t do this… “. He flips her over. Shade keeps struggling and tries to scream in between tears, “help!!!!!!”; her scream felt so faint. After a while of  tussle, he overpowers her, ties her hands to the back and stuffs part of the bed sheet into her mouth. Feeling very helpless, Shade cries quietly and still mumbles inaudibly with the cloth in her mouth, “daddy please…”, ….. no one could come save her from the claws of this evil man. She felt his fingers caress her vagina and she tightens her thighs trying to make it hard for him to touch her. He pulls her thighs apart in anger and with force pushes his dick into her. Shade shrieks in pain, her tears all over the pillow and the cloth in her mouth. “Someone please help me”, she prays in her heart, her tears dripping  profusely. He grabs her waist pulling her up a bit and thrusts viciously, moaning and breathing hard. After series of thrusting, he pulls out and Shade could feel his hot substance all over her buttocks. Still panting, he unties her and walks out. Hurt, bruised and aching, Shade curls up to her pillow, stuffing her face in – she wails.

The next morning…

Shade’s dad walks into her room and finds her still crying, he sits close to her and strokes her hair. “Don’t worry baby, anything you want, just ask and I’ll get it for you. You were so sweet last night. Don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you”. He strokes her hair some more and continues, “I left some money on the shelf in the sitting room if you need to get anything”.  He plants a kiss on her forehead and leaves. Shade doesn’t say a word. She was traumatized. How could he act like nothing happened?  How could he do what he did to her? Even if she wasn’t his real daughter, could he do that to his own? If only she could talk to someone, maybe her mother but her mum wasn’t there. She couldn’t tell Austin, she couldn’t tell anyone. She’ll have to live with it.  As these thoughts ran through her mind, it made her cry even more. “I need to leave this place, I can’t stay here, he’ll keep doing this to me. I need to get away. Dear Lord, I need you now, more than ever.” Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She walks to the door and opens it to find Austin beaming with smiles. “hey baby…” His smile disappears as he sees her face all puffy and swollen from continuous crying. “baby, are you okay”?. – “just hug me…”.  She leans and hugs him tight as she sobs. “I’ll be fine Austin, I just need you to take me away from here, please.. I need to leave this place.” 

Austin tries to mutter a sentence but was cut short by Shade… “now Austin, I need to leave now”

Austin pulls away from the hug and looks at Shade, worry written all over his face he replies, “alright baby, my car’s parked outside, wanna change or….. 

Shade nods in the negative and closes the door behind her. He holds her hand and they walk towards his car.



It’s been over a month and Amaka has been thinking about what Preye whispered into her ears. “amaka please be my girl”… The words kept resounding in her head, something told her to say yes. After all these years, Preye comes back for her but the other part of her indecisive heart kept reminding her about her witchy step mum. Amaka sat on the floor and kept staring at the wall, she didn’t know what to tell Preye, “God damn! It’s been over a month already, make up your mind girl”; her inner muse kept screaming at her.
Okay, okay, I’d call him and give him his reply, I’d tell him the first thing that comes to my head”.  Amaka thought aloud to herself; “yeah yeah, we both know you want to be Preye’s girl so bad, just say yes”,  her inner muse rolls her eyes with hands akimbo. “just shut up and let me think”,  Amaka screams like she was talking to someone. She picks up her phone intending to call Preye. She scrolls through her phone in search of Preye’s number when her phone buzzes, a call from Preye.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!  He’s calling, he’s calling, what do I say?” Amaka’s heart almost flew out of her chest while her inner muse ran helter skelter and hides behind a curtain. Amaka picks up and the conversation follows :

Preye: Hello Beautiful, took you quite a while to take my call, you okay baby?

Amaka: Yes, Yes, Yes… (Amaka’s heart still beating real fast)

Preye: (Preye’ is a bit confused) Uhhh.. You repeated your yes three times Amaka, I heard you the first time. You sure you’re okay?

Amaka: Quit asking me if I’m okay Preye, I’m fine. Perfect. Never been better. In fact, before you ask me same question you ask everytime you call, I’d give you your much anticipated reply…. (she pauses for three seconds, takes a deep breath and continues) Preye, I love you, I love you so much that it’s eating me up, I’m scared.  Wait.. Okay, No! I don’t love you, maybe I do but I don’t know but all I know is, I want to be your girl, not just your girl, your wife. I know that  sounded stupid and awkward but I just had to say it. I’ve been holding back this long cause of my step mum but now I don’t care anymore, I’m old enough to date or even get married. I’m 23 for crying out loud. So uhh, yeah, that’s it. I love you.. Sorry, I like you.. Uhh.. No! Okay.. I love you and I’ll be your girl but if you ever leave me or break my heart, I’ll stick my fingers through your eyeballs and pull it out its sockets then I’d cut your manhood off and feed it to the birds.. No.. I’ll take one eye first so you could watch with the other  what I’d do with parts of your body. Then I’d take out each nail on your finger one after the other and make sure you scream so loud. Then I’d cut your tongue out if you scream too loud.
Amaka stops talking when it dawned on her that she had been talking for too long.
****awkward silence****
(she whispers) Hello… Hello.. Preye, are you there??

Preye: Get your cute ass self to the front door ASAP..  (he hangs up)

Amaka begins to fidget as she finds herself walking to the front door, she didn’t want to believe that all the while she was ranting over the phone, Preye drove down to her house, “was that even possible?” she whispers to herself.
She gets to the front door, with her eyes closed, she opens the door, she didn’t care who was standing there, she didn’t care if it was her dad or step mum, she didn’t care if Preye would slap her for saying all she said which she considers rubbish, she just opened the front door with her eyes closed.
“open your eyes Amaka”,  the soothing voice of Preye rang in her ears. She didn’t want to, she shut them so tight. “no! I won’t, I’m really sorry I said all those things to you Preye… I……” before she could complete her sentence, Preye places a hot kiss on Amaka’s lips and she finds herself kissing him back, her eyes begin to relax, she’s in Preye’s arms kissing him lustfully. In that moment, all she could think of was Preye’ kissing her. They kiss for a while and then she pulls away. Her eyes open wide with shock, excitement, mixed feelings, she didn’t know what she felt…

Sueño erótico (2)

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


“Why is he so cold and quiet? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that might have upset him?  Oh geez.. Why do I always ruin good moments??” Amy mumbled to herself quietly as she reached for some fresh ripe plantain in the kitchen drawer. She washed them, took the skin off and sliced them very neatly as she intended to fry them. (obviously)…..

“Oh well, he can keep to himself for all I care,  not like I care anyway”, she heaves a loud hiss and continues slicing. With the sliced plaintain all set, she sprinkled some salt on it, then she turns the cooker on, put some vegetable oil in the pan, places it on fire while she waits for it to heat up. 
Didn’t take too long and Amy was done, she also made some egg sauce. She put the cooker off, washed her hands and was heading to the sitting room when she met Josh by the door.
“Oh Josh!  What are you doing here? How long have you been watching me?” One could tell she was surprised on seeing Josh by the door.
“Asking me what I’m doing by the door in my own house? L O L Amy,  it’s my house remember? I can stand or sit wherever I choose to.”  Josh leans on the wall with both hands in his pockets. “well,  you’ve been tensed Amy, what exactly is the problem? You uncomfortable in my house? You said you wanted to join me home, you’re here now and it seems like you don’t like it here.. What’s wrong?   Josh moves close to Amy, looks into her eyes and holds her hands and says with a soothing voice,  “If  something is wrong, you can talk to me baby, I could make it all go away”.
Amy takes a few steps back as Josh moves a bit closer.

“I….  I’m….. Uhmm… I’m fine…. I’m fine Josh. Amy stuttered, ” I’m perfect. You… You… Uhhh.. you on the other hand, you look like you’ve.. you’ve  had too much to drink,  you sure you’re okay? You look a bit tipsy though..”  Amy stuttered again as she moved away from Josh cause he was too close and she felt uncomfortable.
As she backed away from Josh, the closer he’d move to her and he kept looking into her eyes. Her heart paced so fast that she could actually hear its sound. She felt something drop into her stomach, her legs began to quiver.
“oh my God”!!! What’s Josh about to do?  No, No, No, it can’t be, Oh God, he’s going to rape me”..  What have I put myself into right now?  How do I get out of this mess?”  Amy kept over thinking as she backed away from Josh, then she hit the kitchen deck. It dawned on her that she couldn’t back away from Josh anymore. She stood there staring at the floor, hoping it’d open up and swallow her.

“Calm down Amy”,  Josh whispers in her ears.  “I wouldn’t do anything you don’t want me to. I won’t hurt you Amy, just relax.. Please?” Amy could feel his hot breath run into her ears, it sent chills down her spine.

“Oh, stop it Josh, you’re very tipsy & you need to eat something hot to clear your head okay?  I’ll make you some spicy soup but first you need to take some plantain and egg sauce while you wait”.
She quickly moves from her previous position and tries to grab a plate from the kitchen shelf. Josh stops her.
“I’m not hungry Amy, I’m not tipsy & neither do I need to eat anything. My head is as clear as crystal right now”.
He takes a few steps to Amy, grabs her by the waist, moves her to the kitchen deck, lifts her so she sits on the deck, he looks her dead in the eyes like he’s trying to get passage into her soul. He tilts his head slowly to the right, plants a kiss on her forehead, places one hand on her thighs as he pulls her skirt up a little. He caresses her thighs slowly still staring into her eyes.
Amy gets excited. She couldn’t believe what was going on. Was this voluntary rape or was Josh teasing her?
Finally!!!!!! Finally, it was happening, Josh was gon make sweet love to her. But wait, she thought it was rape earlier. “well, I just wanted it to be consensual”.. Amy rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath.

She always had dreams of  having sex with Josh and she always prayed Josh would do it someday. Oh how she imagined how it would feel. What his first move would be, how he would kiss her, caress her, suckle on her nipples, make her moist. 
There she was on the kitchen deck lost in her thought. Josh caressing her thighs. She was scared but yet very excited. She couldn’t wait for it to happen.

Sueño erótico (1)

“Come on in”,  Josh opened the door & beckoned Amelia to come in as he stood by the side waiting for her. Amelia walks in and sits. “You’ve got such a nice apartment, it’s really beautiful”, as she looked around. “Thanks Amy,  glad you like it”; Josh smiles as he reached for a bottle of Red wine at the top most shelf of his mini bar in his sitting room with two glasses then he returns to sit close to Amy who squeezed herself at the far end of the couch, palms clutched together on her knee. “Are you okay?”  Josh asked placing his hand on Amy’s shoulders in an attempt to get her relaxed; “Yes, Yes”..!!! Amy blurted out rather too quickly & moved Josh’s hand off her shoulder. ” I’m fine Josh, thank you for asking”. She fakes a smile at Josh who smiles back a little as he reaches for the wine, opens it, grabs a glass, pours a little quantity for Amy who he thought doesn’t drink much alcohol then he fills his cup, sips a little while he hands the other glassl to Amy, “I know you don’t drink much, here you go”… Amy gulps it all at once, Josh is surprised. ” wow!  And I thought you didn’t drink much, oh well, you’re just full of surprises,  aren’t you?” Amy doesn’t say a word. She has her straight face game on, she reaches for the bottle, pours herself another, she fills her glass this time and gulps it all at once yet again. Josh doesn’t say a word either as Amy kept at it. Josh turns the TV on.
             * * * * * * * *
                  (45 minutes later)

“Uhh… Josh? I need to pee”,  Amy gets up; “where’s the restroom?”. 

“It’s that way, on the far left”.. Josh points towards a door close to the staircase that leads upstairs without taking his eyes off the TV. Amy says thanks and then she walks off. She returns to the sitting room & sits at her spot without saying a word to Josh. The wine she took was already having some funny effect on her – she felt funny and very hungry. Josh and Amy sits close to each other without saying a word for 5 minutes. Amy breaks the Silence.
“Since we’re just gon’ sit here and say nothing to each other, I think I should make us something to eat, I’m terribly hungry and I have no idea why. At least our mouths would find something to do”. She gets up and heads for the kitchen. Josh still doesn’t say a word, he turns, staring at Amy as she walks off, shakes his head, smiles a bit and goes back to watching TV.



“The number you’re trying to call is currently switched off, please try again later, thank you”. That MTN operator, the lady we all know who refuses to connect our calls, that was the voice Amaka heard as she kept trying to reach Preye over and over.
Why should his number be switched off by this time?” Amaka frowned to herself. “Oh well, I’ll just find something else to do” as Amaka headed towards the school canteen.
As she walked into the canteen, she headed straight to a table, grabbed a seat, plugged in her headset as she listened to the soothing voice of Whitney Houston…
Ahhhh“… Amaka heaved a loud sigh of relief as she collapsed into her seat trying to relax all her muscles.
Her lectures had been cancelled, Preye’s phone was switched off and she had nothing else to do, well, she didn’t feel up to it to head towards the library and she didn’t want to head home either…

As she sat all by herself, thoughts of Preye crept in, thoughts of how he could still read her mind after the long period they hadn’t seen each other, how she still had that Crazy crush on him but just refused to accept it.
She began to wonder how it would feel like to kiss him, be in his arms…
Oh wow, such thoughts but I certainly shouldn’t be thinking about such things“, she shrugged.. “Oh well…”, smiling sheepishly, she noticed two guys who sat across from where her table was were staring at her.
What are you looking at?” Amaka screamed at them with a serious look on her face.
After a while, she stood up and decided she’d just go home instead of sitting at the canteen day dreaming about her lost Crush who just appeared from nowhere. Amaka stood up, grabbed her bag, eyeballed the two guys who kept staring at her and whispering stuffs to each other, then she walked off without turning back.

* * * * * * * * *

Days, weeks passed and Amaka still didn’t get a call, text or even a flash from Preye and she couldn’t help but worry.
“what might have happened? Why hasn’t he even called? Did i do something wrong? Have I chased him away yet again with this silly attitude of mine?” Amaka kept pacing in her room as she thought to herself and then she was interrupted when she heard her step mum screaming her name.
“ohmmmm!!! Doesn’t she get tired???” Amaka muttered to herself as she ran to meet her step mum who was screaming her name from the front door.
“Ma……., I’m coming”… Frowning her face, Amaka got to the front door only to see Preye standing outside, his face beaming with smiles as he saw her.
Amaka didn’t know if she should smile or frown, first she was so happy to see him but then she was also very angry at him for going “MIA” on her. She couldn’t even understand why she felt that way, its not like they were dating or anything; mixed emotions all at once.
“Ermmm, this young man here said he wants to see you, do you know him?” Her step mother with hands akimbo, gave Amaka a stern look as she waited for a response.
Yes Ma, I do, he’s an old classmate” Amaka replied trying so hard to hide her smile as she turned to face her step mother’s stern look.
“An old classmate?, As her step mother looked at Preye from head to toe twice. This sorta, “old classmate my foot” look.
“Well, she continued, get him a chair to sit then, and make sure he’s on his jolly way before my husband returns, you need to help me in the kitchen too” , referring to Amaka as she walks off. Amaka goes in, grabs two seats and comes back out, places one for Preye to sit on and sits on the other. She pulls her sit close to Preye’s as she whispers; “what do you think you’re doing coming to my fathers house, do you want to put me in trouble?”

Preye laughs softly, pulls Amaka’s arm as he beckons her to get up, she follows him.
They walk for a while and get to where Preye’s vehicle is parked.
“You didn’t need to whisper” Preye smiles at Amaka. “You could have just told me that it wasn’t conducive enough to talk at your front door”…
Amaka frowns and stares at the floor, “well, that’s not the answer to my question, why did you have to come to my house?, you could put me in trouble” She grumbles still staring at the floor kicking stones as though she’s shy.
I’m sorry” Preye apologizes as he lifts her chin up, trying to get Amaka to look at him.
I’ve been out of the country and I felt I owed you one, I had to come see you, I figured you might have been trying to reach me” Preye tried to put his words in place.
“Well, you could have just called” Amaka finally looks up at him, her eyes meeting his.
She could feel her heartbeat, faster than its normal rate as though it was screaming… “let me out! Let me out! She felt like there were butterflies in her tummy. Her legs felt wobbly, She couldn’t help but just stare into his brown beautiful eyes…
“why do I feel this way?” “what is Preye doing to me?” “Oh God, I think I’m falling in love, could this be love?” Amaka thought to herself, her gaze still fixed on Preye.

“Your eyeballs are gon’ pop out of its sockets if you keep staring like that” Preye smiled at Amaka as he walked to the other side which is the passengers seat of his car, trying to get some stuffs.
“oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was staring” Amaka jolted back to reality feeling embarrassed as she rubbed the side of her forehead with her thumb, “I’m really sorry”; she apologized yet again trying to compose herself.
Its fine Darling, you don’t have to be sorry, I know I’ve got charms”, Preye giggled like a little boy as he walked back to Amaka with some nylon bags, handing them to her; “I got you these on my way back to Nigeria, I hope you like them”…

Amaka was really confused, she didn’t know if she was supposed to accept the gifts Preye was handing to her considering her wicked and annoying step mum. She stood in front of Preye staring at the nylon bags.
I….. Uhhhmm… Preye… I really…” Amaka kept stuttering as she couldn’t find the right words to say, like, it was the first time her lost but found crush was handing her a gift and she didn’t want to reject it, she really didn’t want to but she didn’t have a choice, she had to.
“uhhh… Preye”….. Amaka stuttered yet again with a sad look on her face, “I really can’t accept these gifts, I would love to take them with me but I can’t, please do understand”, she looked up at Preye who just kept smiling.
“don’t keep my hands hanging like this Amaka”, he pleaded sofly as he beckoned on her to take it from him. “Please…, I insist” he added.
C’mon now, take it. You know you need to head back home”…
“Oh my… Its getting dark already” as Amaka grabbed the nylon bags from Preye and turned to leave. Preye grabs her by the arm and pulls her close to him for a hug.
‘So you felt i’d let you go without getting a hug?” Preye whispers into her ears.
This sends cold shivers down Amaka’s spine as she stood there, in his arms.
“uhh… I’m sorry, just had to hurry home”… She trys to pull away from Preyes grip but he holds her and then he whispers again, “Amaka, please be my girl. I really like you a lot”…

“Huh???”… Amaka refused to believe what she just heard. She finally pulls away from his grip and walks off really fast as she screamed with one hand in the air waving to Preye without turning back, “thank you for the presents”…
Preye smiles to himself, shakes his head and says quietly, “you’re welcome my angel”
Then he gets into his car and drives off.

Amaka gets home and luckily for her, neither her step mum nor Dad saw her enter, she tiptoes into her room, locks the door quietly behind her and lays on her bed heaving a loud sigh of relief.. “phewwwwww”

She sits up parrying her cheek, deep in thought; “was Preye serious or was he just teasing me? Hmmm… He asked me to be his girl, his girlfriend. Oh Lord, please help me make the right decision. Am I to say yes, no or I’ll think about it? But I’m not a kid anymore, at 23 I should have a boyfriend, you know like…. Hmm…. I dunno, I dunno”.. Amaka shakes her head as though trying to wave such thoughts away, she opens the nylon bags one after another and smiles to herself.
“Awwwww… all this for me???”
As she grabbed one of the boxes which contained a pair of black shoes and holds it close to her chest.
Preye can be a darling at times”, she giggles as she tries her new pair of shoes on.

* * * * * * * *

Would Amaka say YES to Preye?
She has never had a boyfriend all her life and now her crush from high school is asking her out, would she give it a chance?
Could Preye be her green card out of the claws of her Step mum?
Was he really serious?
Or is he just one of those boys who would take advantage of her and her situation?
More on the next episode…



amaka 3  Good Morning Dad, Amaka kneels before her father. I’m off to school and please I need some transport fare, she said still kneeling.

Mr Obiozar ignored Amaka & kept reading his newspaper. Amaka stood beside her Dad for close to two minutes and he still didn’t say a word to her. Amaka had no choice than to leave without transport fare from her Dad cause if she kept standing there, she’ll be late for lectures.

Amaka had one option and one option only; to walk all the way down to school.

The thought of “trekking” down was just…. “Arggghh!!!” Amaka couldn’t suppress her anger anymore.

What’s wrong with that old man sef? Ordinary transport fare he was acting deaf. Msheww!!! He should go and die biko.. NONESENSE! Amaka talked aloud to herself.

Even if she kept beating herself up, she had to keep walking and she had to walk really fast. She continued on her  tireless journey, hoping to get to school before lectures commenced.

With her headset blocking her eardrums, she didn’t realize when a car pulled up beside her.

Amaka! Hey! A young man called out to her trying to get her attention and after a while, Amaka turned to see why that car kept moving close to her, side by side and to her utmost surprise, it was an old school mate of hers.

Preye! Amaka screamed out his name without knowing she did.

Where are you going to? From the look of things, you’ve been walking for a while now. Why didn’t you take the bus or a taxi? Oh well, you could answer my questions whilst I take you to where ever it is you’re headed. Come on, get in, Preye beckoned Amaka who was still standing shocked.

Amaka got into the G-Wagon without arguing with Preye or trying to “front” a bit and he drove off slowly. So Amaka, where are you going to? Preye asked again with a smile at the corner of his lips.

Uhmm… Amaka stuttered a bit, I’m going to school, I have lectures for 11am and I know I’m going to be late. (and why does he have that smile on his face? Amaka wondered to herself.)

Wondering why I’m smiling? Preye turned to Amaka briefly and taking his eyes back on the road as quick as possible, still smiling.

WHAT?! How did he know I was thinking about that? Amaka screamed inside, staring at smiling Preye.

And you just asked yourself how I knew what you were thinking about? Hmm… Amaka, same old you. So easy to see through. Amaka didn’t say a word all through the drive till Preye got to her school gate. She just kept wondering how possible it was for her to see her high school crush once again and this time, he looks even more handsome. She was tripping all over again.

Here we are, Preye said as he pulled over. Thank You; Amaka said and was about hurrying out of the car. Hey, Miss.. Why in a hurry? Preye held her wrist. Preye please, let go of my hand, I have a class now; Amaka said calmly with her face down.

Okay, I will but here, Preye hands Amaka his complimentary card; give me a call later on today or maybe later, I would really love to see you again.

Is he asking me out this time? Oh my God! Preye is such a flirt. First he smiled at me then held my hand and now he’s asking me out? On a date? hmm…

So? Preye cut her short from all her thinking. What’s it gon’ be?

Well…. I’ll try to call you, Amaka replied without looking up at him. Thanks for driving me down to school and she alighted from the vehicle.

One more thing, Preye said before Amaka closed the door, the answer to that question is a NO but maybe i could ask you out later on, Preye smiled at Amaka who shudders and walks off.

Geez!! Is he some sort of psycho or what? How on earth did he hear that? Or did i say it out loud? Is he reading my mind? But is it possible? Can a human read a fellow humans mind? What is even wrong with me? It was just a god damn crush way back then, I totally forgot about him, but wait, didn’t I? Why is Preye tormenting my thoughts?

Amaka walks into the lecture hall only to find just few of her course mates. Ah Ah! What’s going on here? Where is the lecturer? Its already past 11am, she asked Cynthia who always sat at the back of the lecture hall.

Well… Didn’t you know? Cynthia replied, popping her gum so loud. The lecture was cancelled, the lecturer had a meeting to attend and he’s not gon’ be around until uhh… when ever and that’s a good thing for me, still popping her gum and rolling her eyes.

Oh! I didn’t, Amaka said.

How would you? And Cynthia pops her gum again.

Amaka shakes her head and ignores Cynthia. Thank you anyway, Amaka says as she walks out of the lecture hall. Hmmm…. And they just had to cancel this lecture, Amaka frowns.

What am I supposed to do now? Maybe I should go to the library and study or maybe I should call Preye, Amaka kept debating as she sipped her Coke.

And she finally came to a conclusion… I’ll call Preye she said aloud and reached for her phone beside her bag.

Don’t React, Respond.



Hello Beautiful People

Know i’ve been off here for a while now and I’ll love to apologize.. I’m really sorry but I’m back now to share more of my thoughts and what not with you..

I’ll be posting the concluding parts of my “Amaka” story for those that I’ve been expecting.

But for now, let me share this short beautiful piece I stumbled upon on Facebook, written by a guy named “Doro Godsent”.

He didn’t give it a title but I did and yes, he agreed to me sharing this, I hope it inspires you to change..


At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from
somewhere and sat on a lady. She started
screaming out of fear. With a panic-stricken face
and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both
her hands desperately trying to get rid of the
cockroach. Her reaction was contagious, as
everyone in her group also got panicky. The lady
finally managed to push the cockroach away but it
landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to
continue the drama. A waiter rushed forward to their
rescue. In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next
fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and
observed the behavior of the cockroach on his
shirt. When he was confident enough, he grabbed it
with his hand and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the
antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and
started wondering, was the cockroach responsible
for their histrionic behavior?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos. It
was not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies
to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach
that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father, my mother,
my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it’s my
inability to handle the disturbances caused by their
It’s not the traffic jams
on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to
handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam.

More than the problem, it’s my
REACTION to the problem that creates chaos in my

Moral Lessons from the story:

Understand that you should not react in life. You should
always respond. The women reacted, whereas the
waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses
are always well thought of just and right to save a
situation from going out of hands, to avoid cracks in
relationship, to avoid taking decisions in anger,
anxiety, stress or hurry.

Hope that short piece did inspire you as it did me.
Written by Doro Godsent.
Originally written by BlueIcy Mind


Problem Solving



A short but inspiring story which a friend shared with me and I decided to share it here… Enjoy

A father left 17 Camels as an Asset for his Three Sons.

When the Father passed away, his sons opened up the will.

The Will of the Father stated that the Eldest son should get Half of 17 Camels,

The Middle Son should be given 1/3rd of 17 Camels and the Youngest Son should be given 1/9th of the 17 Camels,

As it is not possible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9, the sons started to fight each other.

So, they decided to go to a wise man.

The wise man listened patiently about the Will. After giving his thought, the wise man brought one camel of his own & added to the 17, that increased the total number of camels to 18.

Now, he started reading the deceased father’s will.

Half of 18 = 9.
So he gave 9 camels
to the eldest son.

1/3rd of 18 = 6.
So he gave 6 camels
to the middle son.

1/9th of 18 = 2.
So he gave 2 camels
to the youngest son.

Now add this up:
9 + 6 + 2 = 17 &
This leaves 1 camel,
which the wise man took back.

MORAL: The attitude of negotiation & problem solving is to find the 18th camel i.e(that is), the common ground.
Once a person is able to find the common ground, the issue is resolved. It is difficult at times, yeah but we all have to try.

However, to reach a solution, the first step is to believe that there is a solution. If we think that there is no solution, we won’t be able to reach any.

Share with a friend as I have…



Its been about three weeks since the return of Amaka’s step brothers and oh well, nothing seems to have changed in the Obiozar’s family.

Its a breezy saturday morning and Amaka has finished her chores and all the laundry she had to do. She’s just alone in her usual quiet state, thinking; always lost in her thoughts as Ebele interrupts….

Amaka.. Amaka.. Ebele taps her on the shoulder.
Yes.. Yes.. Amaka sprung up to her feet, hurrying towards the kitchen as Ebele pulls her back.

Ah ah! Amaka.. “What were you thinking about? I had to call you like twice before you answered me and then you thought it was mum calling you?” He laughs

Ebele what is it? Ehn?! What na? She frowns
Ebele keeps laughing at her and after he has had his full he gradually stops to meet Amaka’s angry gaze..
“So tell me Ebele, what’s funny? Do I look like some sort of clown or what?”

“Frowning like that? Yes, you do”.. Ebele bursts into laughter again..
Anyways, that’s by the way. So why are you sitting here all alone? Come inside and watch Tv with us na.. Ebele puts his hand over her shoulders, Amaka, are you ok?

Amaka removes his hand; “I’m fine Ebele, I just feel like sitting here ALONE”, she stresses “alone”…
Ah ah, Amaka, but… Amaka cuts in before Ebele could come up with something to say.
” I said I’m fine, or is it by force to watch Tv? Haba!”
“Hafum aka oh biko”, (leave me alone oh please), she frowns at Ebele again.

Hmm!!!… Ebele heaves a sigh, shakes his head and then walks away then he stops abruptly and turns back.

“Well, I’ll just sit here with you then & maybe you can tell me what’s eating your pretty head up.”
He grabs a plastic chair, places it close to Amaka and sits.
Amaka ignores and turns her face while Ebele starts to laugh again..

“If you keep at it, I’ll be forced to leave here for you oh”, Amaka bolts out still backing Ebele.
“Oya sorry”; Ebele hugs her from behind.
“you can’t blame a brother who has missed teasing his cute sis and besides you know I have a habit of looking for your trouble”.. He tickles Amaka in an attempt to make her laugh but Amaka just gives a faint smile.

“Oh well, that would do”, as Ebele smiles back still holding his sister.


“I’ve told you time and time again to stop going out from this house, stay inside, stay here at home, you never know when I or your step mum would need you to run an errand or something”…..
Mr Obiozar yells at Amaka.
“Or are you looking for a husband outside? Do you want to get married” ehn?; he continues

Amaka took a stroll around the neighborhood with her two brothers and when they got back, Mr Obiozar was yelling fire & brimstone on her but didn’t say a word to the boys.

“But dad; Amaka tries to defend herself, Mum is not at home and……”
“Shut up your mouth, Mr Obiozar gives Amaka what we call ‘a hot slap’,
did I ask you to say anything?”
“So that’s what you learn from school okwa ya (right)?, to talk back at your father? Ehn Amaka…. When did we become mates?”

Amaka held her cheeks as hot tears gave way.
She was trying to figure out what she had done wrong to her dad that would warrant him to slap her.
She just took a stroll with her brothers and that was it.
So that was now a crime to her dad?
And besides, she always went out when she wanted to, so why was her dad angry?
Amaka couldn’t come up with any answers….

“I’m sorry Sir”… that was all Amaka could manage, still sniffing & sobbing.
“Go and make yourself useful!, Mr Obiozar thundered; like mother like daughter”…
And off she went.

Amaka locked herself up in her room crying….
“Why? Why? Why is all this happening?”
“Why has dad decided to let out his frustrations on me?”
“If step mum doesn’t hit me then dad will… I’m getting sick of all these”
Amaka thought aloud to herself, still sobbing as she fought her tears back.

“Kpom, Kpom, Kpom”…. Amaka! Amaka! Chizor called out, please open the door. What happened? I overheard dad yelling at you…
Please open up let’s talk.

Ebele and Chizor kept knocking but Amaka refused to open the door.

Amaka.. Open up na.. Ebele pleaded this time. We’re really sorry about dad yelling at you. We know its our fault and we’ll talk to him, just open up please and stop crying too cause’ I can hear you sniffing..

Ebele being the closest to Amaka felt really sad. He just wished he could break down the door and let Amaka cry all she wants on his chest.
Oh! How he loved his sister.

Amaka still didn’t open up as her brothers kept knocking…

“You both should just go away please”.. She yelled from inside her room

“Ndo nne! Biko (sorry sis, please)
We’re very sorry…. Ebele kept pleading while Chizor took off to meet dad.
“If she opens up, please give her a peck for me”; chizor says before he leaves and Ebele nods…


AMAKA. (1)

She ran out of the house screaming and crying, her stepmother just hit her again.
Foolish girl! Stupid child. She rained abuses on the poor girl. So you dare open your filthy mouth to talk back at me abi? You have grown so big that you talk when I’m talking right? Chai! she bit her fingers and looked up to the sky like she was talking to someone or maybe God; I don’t even know why your stupid mother didn’t take you along with her.
You had better remain there cause if I see you inside this house.. Hmm!!!! Obianuju warned as she stormed into the house.

Amaka sat outside crying, she was really hurting cause she had some bruises inflicted on her by her loving step mum.
She was waiting patiently for her father to return from work so that she could make one of her reports again like she always does.

Her prayer was answered as he drove in. Amaka sprung to her feet, a broad smile on her face as she wiped the tears of her face and hurried towards the car before her dad could even park.

Welcome Dad! She took his briefcase and files from him.
“Mm hmm”; he muttered
How was work dad? You look really tired (of course he was tired, what was amaka thinking?)
Mr Obiozar walked towards the house ignoring Amaka’s dum question.

Amaka walked as quiet as she could inside the house, dropped her dads briefcase and files and headed back to the living room only to meet her step mum who had already warned her to remain outside.
Amaka froze.

I thought I told you to remain outside ehn, you this disobedient child? Obianuju said standing up to face Amaka who just stood looking at her step mum in fear expecting to be beaten up again.
Won’t you answer me?! Obianuju yelled

I’m… Ma! I just came…drop dad’s briefcase and..and his files… Amaka stuttered.

Look at you! Foolish girl. Go into the kitchen and get some water ready so that I can prepare food for my husband!
Amaka disappeared into the kitchen.


When Obianuju left the sitting room, Amaka walked in quietly and sat close to her dad.
Erm! Scratching her hair. Erm! Daddy, I want to talk to you.
Daddy! I don’t like the way step mum is treating me. Ever since you got married to her, I’ve not known peace. She beats me at every slightsest opportunity she gets.
Daddy, I’m tired of her frustration oh, please do something.
See my body, daddy see….; as she made an attempt to show the bruises on her body to her father who wasn’t even paying any attention to her.

He finally spoke;
Amaka! What do you want me to do ehn?
What kind of an ungrateful child are you?
Ever since your mother died, obianuju has been taking care of you.
What more can you ask for?

But daddy.. Amaka cut in, she’s very mean and wicked. How can a human being be this wicked to me even when I’ve done nothing wrong to her?
Amaka frowns and folds her arms.. Daddy do something oh or else…..

Or else what Amaka? Ehn?! Or else what? Mr Obiozar couldn’t take Amaka’s complaint anymore.
You didn’t even wait for me to get settled before you start this ranting of yours. What kind of a child are you?

“But daddy”…. Will you shut up before I teach you how to behave? Her father screamed at her.
You’re just like your mother.. Sturbbon and always nagging..

“But daddy”… Amaka tried to defend herself….
“Oh, so you’re still standing there”?
Mr Obiozar makes an attempt to reach for Amaka as she runs out of the sitting room..
“…. He shakes his head and sits back on his couch.

Amaka sat on her bed as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Why”? Why are they both mean to me?
And to think my dad would help make this day better…
She thought to herself.
What have I done wrong to deserve such hostile treatment? Dad just makes everything worse.
Sometimes I wonder if he’s my real dad… She frowns, pouting her lips. (She’s so cute when she does that)
Hmm…. Its just really sad though, so sad that mum isn’t here.
I miss her… She tries to wipe off her tears as more kept at it.

Her step mum kept screaming out her name from within the kitchen.

Amaka was brought back to earth, Nigeria to be precise… “Ma”!!!!! as she ran towards the kitchen, wiping tears off her face to meet Madam Obii.. (as she is fondly called by her friends).. tapping her feet and hands akimbo…

Ma, you..called Ma..
So you didn’t hear me call you?
Ohhhh!!! That’s your plan right? To kill me before my time?
Was that the wish your barren mum asked you to grant her on her death bed?
‘Obii stood in that same position staring at the faced down Amaka…

Amaka didn’t say a word…
Are you deaf or is it that you’re now snubbing me?
I’m sorry Ma….I’m very sorry Ma… it won’t happen again.. That was all Amaka could manage.

“Take this to the dinning table”, she gives Amaka a tray with some covered plates on it…
And be careful with that, if that food spills, you won’t get to eat anything.”

Amake sets the dinning table and later goes over to the sitting room to wake her dad who was already fast asleep on the couch…
“Daddy… Daddy.. Dinner is ready oh!”.. as she shook him slowly in an attempt to wake him up.
Mr Obiozar yawns as he opens his eyes… “Ehem… Anam a’ bia” (I’m coming) … He yawns again, standing up and stretching as he walks towards the dinning.


Mr Obiozar & his family are from the Eastern part of Nigeria. He’s in his mid 40’s. Works in an Oil company, a very well to do man and also very comfortable.
He lost his wife few years ago in a ghastly car accident (as he made every one believe) & married a new wife (Obianuju) two weeks after her death.
He practically didn’t care about her or her death.

Mr Obiozar also has two children aside the Beautiful Amaka.
Ebele and Chibuzor.(Two boys).
Mr Obiozar had Chibuzor while he was still married to his (late) wife with Obianuju and when he got married to ‘Obii, they had Ebele.
Ebele and Chibuzor are 19 and 21 respectively while Amaka is about 23.
Ebele and Chibuzor were sent to the UK for studies while Amaka attends a polythecnic in Nigeria.
According to her step mum, she convinced Mr Obiozar not to send Amaka to the UK saying there would be no one to help with the chores.

After lectures everyday, Amaka would hurry home to help her step mum with some chores and also at her shop.
Amaka’s father has never loved her as a father would his daughter, he always complained of wanting to have a son as the first and not a girl.
Being the only girl, Amaka is meant to be the baby of the house but instead she carries all the workload.


Mr Obiozar chews his meat and licks his fingers while eating like someone who hasn’t had anything in days……
“This soup is very delicious… Mmm! My wife, you see why I love you? You are a very good cook and you know the way to my heart, definately through my stomach, he smiles as he pulls her cheek teasingly”…
Obianuju blushes like a high school teen….

“Thank you my husband”… She keeps smiling and then rolls her eyes wickedly at poor Amaka who just ate her food in silence without a word.

The two love birds kept at it… Laughing and chit chatting while they ate.

Can’t these two just keep their mouths shut? Amaka thought to herself and she frowns at her soup like it was her soup that pissed her off..
They’ll just be making unnecessary noise. Haven’t they heard of table manners?
She looks up at the two love birds and rolls her eyes at them..
Obviously, they weren’t looking in her direction.

Amaka was done with her food and she heads towards the kitchen. She waits a while and later goes back to the dinning to grab the other dishes as Romeo and Juliet were done.
She does the dishes every night and also cleans up the kitchen before she retires to bed. It was sort of a routine for her.
In less than an hour Amaka was done. She puts of the lights and closes all the windows and then the door.

“Good Night Dad, Good Night Mum”.. Sleepy Amaka murmured as she walked past her parents who were still chit chatting.
All Amaka wanted was just to fall on her bed and sleep, forgetting all the worries and all she went through today…

“Ehen” Amaka, Bia… (come)
Her father called out to her…
Okay! If this man wants to talk about what happened earlier today, I’m so not interested, Amaka thought to herself as she was forced to head back downstairs…

“Yes Dad”….. She stood in front of both her parents, waiting to hear what he had to say..
Mr Obiozar clears his throat…. “Ebele and chibuzor your brothers will be returning tomorrow. You have to wake up very early to clean up their rooms. It has to be tidied. “e nukwa?” (Have you heard?)….

“Yes Dad”… Amaka answered without any sign of excitement.

“Ah ah”, darling, why not let her do it this night? Obianuju chips in
“No my dear, its too late.. Let her get some rest….
“Hmm” okay oh.. If you say so… Obii frowns.

“Now you can go back to your room”… Amaka’s father waves her away with his hand..

“Thanks Dad”.. as she walks off

“Laughing quietly to herself.. So dad has a little sympathy after all… Hmm.. He isn’t totally bad.
You need to see the look on her face…” She continues laughing as she gets to her room and locks the door behind her.

Ahhhh!!!!!!! Amaka heaves a sigh of relief… “I finally get to hug my bed… Pheww!!! what a day!!, as she sits on the edge of her bed”…..

Hmmm!!!! Oh well! Tomorrow will be another day of Obianuju and her frustration… I better rest when I have the opportunity to… I’ll need all the strength I can get for tomorrow…..
She says to herself as she walks into the bathroom for a quick shower……


More on “AMAKA” soon
Wait for it….